How to Fix Your Rep Schemes and Get Better Strength Gains.

How to Fix Your Rep Schemes and Get Better Strength Gains

Why the Big 3 of Powerlifting can be Harmful to you

Why the Big 3 of Powerlifting can be Harmful to you

Beat your nagging back pain with this exercise!
Are you eating to maximize your gains?

Are you eating to maximize your gains?

How healthy does your city eat?

How healthy does your city eat?

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How to Fix Your Rep Schemes and Get Better Strength Gains.
How to Fix Your Rep Schemes and Get Better Strength Gains.
Why the Big 3 of Powerlifting can be Harmful to you
Why the Big 3 of Powerlifting can be Harmful to you
Beat your nagging back pain with this exercise!
Beat your nagging back pain with this exercise!
Are you eating to maximize your gains?
Are you eating to maximize your gains?
How healthy does your city eat?
How healthy does your city eat?
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What is Underground Lifting?

Fitness used to mean a certain level of physical well-being obtained through sweat, tears, and dedication. There was not much glamour, only glory of the hard-earned achievements.

However, over the years, “fitness” became something else. Today, it stands for a multi-hundred-billion-dollar industry that supports the growth of countless overnight sensations, marketing machines, and frivolous trends. When did fitness become who gets the most “likes” on Facebook, or who’s got the more followers on Instagram? When can fitness return to its roots to focus once again on useful substance?

Underground Lifting aims to return a little bit of that old-school flavor back into fitness and share with you only the tried and true methods of training. Underground Lifting will guide you on the right path and show you how to make the most out of traditional, sometimes underrated, exercises, equipment, and nutrition.

No matter if you are a bodybuilder, powerlifter, athlete, or just an average gym goer, there will be something at Underground Lifting that can help you reach your goals!

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How to drink beers while maintaining fitness?

I came across this article recently that claimed that Jonah Hill recently achieved his amazing weight loss by cutting out beer from his diet. The title obviously was very misleading.  The only place where the article mentioned beer was an excerpt from an interview given 5 years ago in which Jonah Hill said that cutting…
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Having difficulty putting on weight: 2 types of Hardgainer and how to fix them!

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Tips to shop smarter on Supplement!

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Can you eat like the World’s Strongest Man?!

What does it take to be a strongman? Do you ever watch these mountains of men pulling trucks, lifting 300 pounds stones, and farmer walking with the weights of small cars, and think “I can probably do that”? Me neither… Obviously, being a strongman isn’t for everyone.  I doubt that any average gym goer can…
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Bodybuilder performing a deadlift

How to Fix Your Rep Schemes and Get Better Strength Gains

Most people start their lifting career doing the typical 4 sets x 10 reps of each exercise.  You were probably told by your buddy who’s been lifting for longer to do 4 x 10’s, and you never deviated from that rep scheme.  However, you ought to know that there are a lot of other set/rep schemes…
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Why the Big 3 of Powerlifting can be Harmful to you

Have you built your powerlifting program – and perhaps your life – around getting better and better at the big 3 powerlifts? If you’re like most powerlifters, the squat, the bench press and the deadlift are your focus. If you’ve been at it a while, you may have noticed that you are taking on some…
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Beat your nagging back pain with this exercise!

How often do you just hang out at the gym? I’m not talking about aimlessly killing time, I’m talking about literally stretching out your entire body by hanging from a bar. Normally, we consider the pull up bar to only be useful during pull or back days.  But, it actually is the piece of equipment…
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How healthy does your city eat?

Ever wonder how healthy are your eating habits compared to others? Gallup recently published the results of a wellness survey conducted across 189 US cities in all 50 states from more than 350,000 adults that may help us answer that question. The results tallied the percentage of people in the surveyed US cities who answered…
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Are you eating to maximize your gains?

I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying “Abs are not made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen.” Maybe your training goals are much grander than just getting a set of shredded abs, but the same theory also applies.  Whether you’re training to gain muscle, increase strength, or to improve a specific athletic…
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